Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Women's March on Wincanton

Tomorrow, 21st January, the day after Donald Trump's first full day as President, thousands will march on Washington DC and other cities around the world. I intend to walk to show solidarity in Wincanton, at 2pm from the Memorial Hall. I invite all who are able to join me.
District Council Election Drama

From 10.00pm on Thursday 7th May right through until the afternoon of Friday, the counting of votes went on in Yeovil for our Town, District and Parliamentary candidates.
Election Day 2015 Results

A full round up of local General Election results at Town, District and Parliamentary levels, plus a summary of a fascinating day in national politics. At the Memorial Hall voters arrived steadily throughout the day, right up to 10.00pm.
Bayford Hill Blues

Local Conservatives and Wincanton in Crisis members may not be entirely happy about the positioning of this sign on the security fence alongside the road above the Bayford Hill site. Counter-intuitive campaigning?
Parliamentary Candidates Pitch for Voters at Wincanton Hustings

On Friday 17th April the parliamentary candidates slugged it out in front of a packed house in the Memorial Hall, Wincanton.
Local Groups Join Forces Over Somerset’s Development Crisis

A Wincanton meeting organised by Somerton and Frome Greens was joined by community campaigners from across the constituency on Tuesday 10th March to discuss development in the area.
Wincanton Trader & UKIP Candidate Mark Vallance Stands for Election

Views from UKIP candidate Mark Vallance, who is standing for South Somerset District Council in the forthcoming elections.
Wincanton's Parliamentary, District and Town Council Hustings UPDATED

Wincanton Chamber of Commerce is organising two election hustings in April to help you decide who to vote for. You are invited to submit questions for the candidates.
Wincanton's Crisis is Somerset's Crisis

People across our Somerton & Frome constituency have been showing me how, and where, our County and District Councils are pushing through inappropriate developments against the wishes of local communities like Wincanton. Join a meeting at King Arthur's on 3rd March to discuss with Green Party representatives.
UKIP Public Meeting, Friday 16th January, to Discuss "Wincanton in Crisis"

"Wincanton in Crisis" epitomises the UK’s membership of the EU. Hear UKIP’s message at Horsington Village Hall on Friday 16th January, where topics will include "Wincanton in Crisis" and "Who will tell the truth about the NHS?"
A Reminder of Wincanton Window’s Political Neutrality

As early as 1st January, my inbox pinged with a new article from a political party – it seems the build-up to the general election will now begin in earnest! Here’s a brief reminder of Wincanton Window’s stance on political matters.
David Rendel, LibDem Parliamentary Candidate, Campaigns in Wincanton

David Rendel was recently in Wincanton, knocking on doors and leading his team in carrying out a residents’ survey, his aim being to meet as many people as possible. In this photo he's with Sheila and Mark Savage of Mundays Mead.
Graham Watson, MEP for the South West, Visits Wincanton

Sir Graham Watson, together with local Liberal Democrats, recently spent a day leafleting in preparation for the elections to the European Parliament on Thursday 22nd May. He also gave an impromptu video interview for the Wincanton Window.
Defence Secretary Philip Hammond MP Visits Henshaw Inflatables

On 23rd April, the Rt Hon. Philip Hammond MP, Secretary of State for Defence, visited the successful local business Henshaw Inflatables, a world-leader in providing RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boats) to military facilities worldwide.
David Warburton Takes Local Issues to Conservative Party Conference

David Warburton, the Conservative prospective MP for Somerton and Frome, joined the Conservative Party Conference last weekend armed with the opinions of local businesses, charities and residents about how best Somerset can grow and prosper.
£2,702,000 Wasted So Far and Counting

Liberal Democrat run South Somerset District Council has spent £2.702 million preparing their "Local Plan", only to find Inspector David Hoggar ruled the plan unsound on multiple grounds.
Wincanton and Castle Cary Surgeries with David Heath MP

Our MP David Heath makes a point of being accessible to constituents by running surgery sessions, where anyone with a problem or desire to have a word with him can meet him. Here are the dates for October to December.
Vote NO2AV - An Anti-AV Argument

Nick Colbert presents reasons why we shouldn't adopt the proposed alternative voting system. "We have used the First Past the Post system for hundreds of years, under it the Labour Party replaced the Liberals during the early part of the last century showing what happens when a political party becomes out of touch".
Is this Democracy? A Pro-AV Argument

Peter Roberts explains how he thinks our antiquated FPTP Electoral system grossly under-represents the third of our Electorate not voting for the Labour and Conservative Parties and why AV is a fairer system, as it ensures your views are better represented in Parliament.
David Heath on the Alternative Vote

David Heath lists his reasons for saying yes to the Alternative Vote. (Check this out before coming to the husting tomorrow evening at KA's.)
Showing 1 - 20 of 41 Articles