Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
David Rendel, LibDem Parliamentary Candidate, Campaigns in Wincanton

David Rendel was recently in Wincanton, knocking on doors and leading his team in carrying out a residents’ survey, his aim being to meet as many people as possible. In this photo he's with Sheila and Mark Savage of Mundays Mead.
Graham Watson, MEP for the South West, Visits Wincanton

Sir Graham Watson, together with local Liberal Democrats, recently spent a day leafleting in preparation for the elections to the European Parliament on Thursday 22nd May. He also gave an impromptu video interview for the Wincanton Window.
Wincanton and Castle Cary Surgeries with David Heath MP

Our MP David Heath makes a point of being accessible to constituents by running surgery sessions, where anyone with a problem or desire to have a word with him can meet him. Here are the dates for October to December.
David Heath on the Alternative Vote

David Heath lists his reasons for saying yes to the Alternative Vote. (Check this out before coming to the husting tomorrow evening at KA's.)
The National Crime-Mapping Website "Dispels Some Illusions"

What is the most popular government website ever, with over eighteen million hits an hour in its first couple of days of operation? Step forward the new crime mapping site set up by the Home Office.
Woodland "Sell-Off"? David Heath Gives His Views

An awful lot of rubbish is being written at the moment about the possible sale of Forestry Commission land. Some think the government are about to sell every tree in the country to wicked developers. It's simply not true.
David Heath on Reporters Creating, Not Reporting the News

Am I upset by the widely reported sting operation on myself and some of my colleagues by the Daily Telegraph shortly before Christmas? You bet I am.
David Heath on cuts to services for the elderly in Somerset

With the announcement by the Coalition Government of the settlement for Somerset County Council, David Heath questions the need for the cuts the County Council has already announced in the fees it will pay to support those in care homes and expresses concern for the future of Sure Start Children's Centres such as the Balsam Centre.
David Heath MP Considers The Decision to Assist Ireland

In the face of austere economic measures taking effect in Britain, the decision to assist Ireland has met with a mixed reception on this side of the Celtic sea. David Heath considers the potential consequences of not doing so.
David Heath Reports on a Range of New Health and Benefit Policies

David Heath expresses his understanding of how the new plans and policies of the Coalition Government regarding the support of the elderly and those with disabilities together with those receiving benefits should work out in practice.
David Heath MP Talks About Local Flooding

David reflects on the flash floods we had last year and the steps taken to reduce the effects of future floods by setting up emergency equipment sheds.
Wincanton Quakers invite David Heath MP to speak

David Heath MP to speak at an open meeting on 'Ethics In Politics'. Friday 16th October in Wincanton Meeting House (31 High St. Entrance by the Museum). All welcome.
Ethics in Politics: Report on David Heath's speech to the Quakers

"I understand why people are losing faith in politics but we must be careful what we wish for. We are sleepwalking into something profoundly dangerous..."
An Interview with David Heath CBE

I was able to interview David in Wincanton where we explored his education and background, experience, values and his approach to a range of policies.
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Articles