Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Message from the Mayor #8 - Wincanton Post Office

During lockdown, Wincanton’s Post Office has remained a beacon of normality, hugely appreciated by the Town. Postmaster Nigel MacCormack describes his experience and expresses gratitude to those who have made it possible.
HSBC Prepares to Close – Can Your Post Office Bridge the Gap?

HSBC in Wincanton closes its doors on 22nd January, amidst concerns from the community about the demise of local bank services. But did you know your Post Office can handle many day-to-day banking functions, for HSBC and many other banks?
Wincanton Post Office Wins Greetings Card Retailer Award

Wincanton Post Office is in the news again! Following earlier reports that they had reached the finals of the RETAS awards, Wincanton Post Office is now officially the Best Non-Specialist Independent Greeting Card Retailer in the South of the UK.
Fire at Wincanton Post Office

Residents and visitors to Wincanton Post Office were taken aback on Monday 7th July to find it closed after a fuse box on the premises overheated and burst into flames.
Wincanton Post Office is a Finalist for National Retas Award

Congratulations to Wincanton Post Office on reaching the final six in the 2014 Retas Awards, a prestigious event aimed at retailers within the greeting cards industry. To reach the final is a superb accolade to Wincanton Post Office's efforts.
Grand Reopening of Wincanton Post Office Following Upgrade & Refurbishment

Wincanton Post Office reopened on 28th February after major refurbishments to upgrade it from a sub post office to a main post office with longer opening hours. Conservative Parliamentary Candidate David Warburton cut the ribbon at the reopening ceremony.
Support Nigel MacCormack’s Ride for Children with Leukaemia

When next you pop into Wincanton Post Office, support Nigel as he cycles from Paris to London to raise money to help children with leukaemia.
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Articles