Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Diamond Celebrations at Wincanton Flower Show

Wincanton and District Gardeners Association celebrated its 60th Flower Show on September 5th 2015. The number of visitors who attended the show during the afternoon were double that of the previous year.
Brue Valley Rotary Club Charity Concert on 12th February

King Arthur’s School, Wincanton has kindly provided the venue for a fund-raising Concert organised by Brue Valley Rotary Club to help a project to support young adults who have grown up in Bulgarian children’s homes.
Scouts Group Christmas Bazaar on 6th December 2014

The 1st Wincanton Scouts Group is holding their Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 6th December, so do pop along to the Wincanton Memorial Hall at 10.00am for a quiet coffee and a biscuit, and browse around our many stalls.
Charity Line Dancing Evening to Raise Funds for Community Defibrillators

To help raise funds for access to defibrillators for Wincanton, Bruton and Castle Cary, Brue Valley Rotary club has arranged a fun evening of line dancing on Friday 4th July, to be led by international choreographer Karl-Harry Winson.
2nd Templecombe Scout Group – Exciting & Fun Activities for Children

"I am working towards my Public Relations badge for Scouts; one thing I have to do is write a report and get it published." Here is Alice’s account, describing the exciting activities that happen within the 2nd Templecombe Scouts Group.
Youth Club Art Project

Are you 11-18 years old? Free on a Tuesday evening? Come and take part in an art project at the Youth Club over the next four weeks. Learn about the local heroes who died for their country in World War One.
Another Successful Annual Lunch Date for Twinning Association

Once again it is the time of year when the WLTA (Wincanton Lahnau Twinning Association) get together for their annual lunch. This year a record 29 people attended at the David Sharp Centre.
Volunteers Urgently Needed for Companion Club

Wincanton Live At Home scheme, which aims to combat loneliness and social isolation in the elderly, urgently need new volunteers for our Tuesday Companions Club, as two of our longstanding volunteers are retiring at Christmas.
Wassailing at Yarlington - A Fun Family Evening

Brue Valley Rotary club is again holding their Wassail event at Yarlington on the 17th January 2014. This is a well attended, free event which allows us to collect much needed funds for Wincanton Hospital and other Rotary charities.
The Best of Brue Valley – Charity Concert at Ansford Academy UPDATED

Ansford Academy has kindly provided the venue for a fund-raising Concert organised by Brue Valley Rotary Club to help a new project to support young adults who have grown up in Bulgarian Children’s Homes.
Wincanton Scouts Group Christmas Bazaar 2013

The 1st Wincanton Scouts Group is holding its Christmas Bazaar on Saturday 16th November. So do pop along to the Wincanton Memorial Hall at 10.00am for a coffee and a biscuit, and browse around our many stalls.
Wincanton Youth Club for Teenagers

Wincanton Town Council has secured funding to deliver a one night a week youth club for young people aged 11 to 19. Somerset Rural Youth Project has transformed The David Sharp Centre into a space now enjoyed by young people on Tuesday evenings, 7-9pm.
A Lively Year for Wincanton Lahnau Twinning Association

This year so far the Wincanton Twinning Association has had several successful events including our bi-annual trip to Lahnau, our twin town in Germany, an annual lunch and a BBQ.
Wincanton German Twinning Association Bi-Annual Trip 2013

This year the Wincanton Lahnau Twinning Association are off on their bi-annual trip to Lahnau in Germany. If you're interested in joining the trip please read on.
Brue Valley Rotary Club Will Be Wassailing Again!

Join the Brue Valley Rotary Club at the Stags Head Yarlington on Tuesday 17th January for another evening of Wassailing! There's music and dance with Jubilee Morris Men and the traditional Wassail ceremony. It's free and all are welcome.
Brue Valley Rotary Club Raises £800 for Children in Need

Brue Valley Rotary Club would like to thank all the diners and people out for a quiet drink in Wincanton, Castle Cary and Bruton on Friday 16th November, who helped us to raise over £800 for Children in Need.
Bruton Flower Club - Brighten Up Your Life!

Come and join us at Bruton Flower Club to arrange flowers, have a cup of tea and cake. Learn how to use flowers to brighten up your life, and maybe someone else's.
Wincanton and District Gardeners' Annual Show - Coming Soon

Our Annual Show is on Saturday 1st September at the Memorial Hall, Wincanton. We hope you will join us and enter some things for the Show that you have managed to grow, cook, paint, sew or photograph this year!
Brue Valley Rotary Club to Help Three Local Projects

Members of Brue Valley Rotary Club will be standing outside Morrisons, Wincanton on Friday, 13th July to raise money for three projects in our local towns of Bruton, Castle Cary, and Wincanton.
Twinners Needed Urgently!

Wincanton - Gennnes/Le Rossier Twinning Association urgently needs people to take part in the next Twinning Exchange in August 2012. Please read on if you'd like an enjoyable visit to France.
Showing 21 - 40 of 60 Articles