Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Side by Side for People with Dementia in Wincanton

Alzheimer’s Society is seeking volunteers to help people with dementia keep doing the things they love. Side by Side is a free service, making it easier for people to remain active and feel part of their community.
Fitsteps – “Strictly” Inspired Dance Exercise Class at The Honbu

The popular ballroom and Latin American dance-based fitness class is coming to The Honbu! Every Friday morning from 10.45am you can improve your fitness in this low to medium impact exercise class, whilst making new friends and having fun.
Clubbercise Classes Now Running at Wincanton Memorial Hall

Clubbercise is the latest fitness class to sweep the nation and is now running at Wincanton’s Memorial Hall. Enjoy dancing in a neon-filled room with glowsticks? Then you'll love this!
PPG Health Promotion Evening on Wednesday 9th March

Wincanton Health Centre Patient Participation Group (PPG) in association with Health Centre staff have organised a Health Promotion Evening at the Balsam Centre from 7.00-9.00pm on Wednesday 9th March. All welcome!
Blood Donor Appointments are Available in January - Book Yours Now

NHS Blood and Transplant are holding a blood donation session on Friday 22nd January at the Memorial Hall, Wincanton. They urge existing and new donors to help them replenish essential stores of blood after the holiday period.
Wincanton Health Centre Invites Feedback at Public Meeting

Wincanton Health Centre is offering patients the chance to ask questions about its services at a Public Meeting on Wednesday 16th September, 6:30pm, at Wincanton Memorial Hall.
Annual Fete Raises £2,190 for Wincanton Community Hospital

With the kind help of hospital staff, Friends and volunteers, Wincanton’s Community Hospital Annual Fete was a huge success, raising much-needed funds for the hospital and ensuring a fun afternoon for all who attended.
Wincanton’s Lifesaving Defibrillator is Ready for Use

Thanks to the Brue Valley Rotary Club Wincanton has recently joined Castle Cary and Bruton in having a publically accessible debfibrillator unit.
Health Centre Management Will Attend Monday's Town Council Meeting

Following concerns over the quality of local health services, representatives of Wincanton Health Centre will be present for 30 minutes prior to the start of the next Wincanton Town Council meeting, on Monday 22nd June, to discuss these concerns with Councillors.
Holbrook House Health Club Open Weekend

Holbrook House Health Club is having a FREE Open Weekend this weekend, 21st-22nd March, with some amazing offers for anyone who joins, including at least one free month and a bottle of champagne.
Coming Soon - Blast Class at the Balsam Centre

An innovative new style of fitness class will be launched at the Balsam Centre on Wednesday 11th March. A versatile fitness class for the entire body. The first taster session is free.
Child Health Information Afternoon at the Balsam Centre

All are welcome to the next Patient Participation Group information afternoon on Thursday 29th January at the Balsam Centre, Wincanton, where the subject will be Child Health.
Give Blood - More Donors Needed

On Friday 23rd January the team will be registering new donors and taking blood from donors at Memorial Hall, Wincanton, just at the time when the Health Service needs your blood most. Attend between 1.15pm to 3.15pm or 4.45pm to 7.15pm.
Holbrook Health Club – January Open Weekend

We invite you to come along to Holbrook Health Club's free open weekend between Friday 9th and Sunday 11th January to try out our facilities for free and take advantage of various special membership offers.
Wincanton Community Hospital Christmas Fayre

The Wincanton Community Hospital Christmas Fayre takes place at the Hospital on Sunday 30th November between 2.00pm and 4.00pm.
FitSteps Classes in Wincanton

Looking for something different in an exercise class? Why not try FitSteps? It’s the great exercise class produced by the famous dancers Natalie Lowe and Ian Waite from Strictly Come Dancing, from an idea they had while training for the show.
Do You Have Fibromyalgia? Local Support Group for Sufferers

If you are living with this long term condition you will know that life is not easy. We have a support group at Wincanton Health Centre, with meetings held on the last Thursday of every month from 1.00pm-3.00pm.
Give Blood – Friday 19th September

On Friday 19th September there will be two afternoon sessions when you can give your blood to the NHS Blood and Transplant Team in the Memorial Hall, Wincanton.
Holbrook House Invites You to its Open Day – Thursday 18th September

We would like to invite you and all of your colleagues, friends and family to our free Open Day on Thursday 18th September, which includes live music, lots of free goodies including mini beauty treatment and protein shakes.
3-2-1km Run Route at Wincanton Sports Ground

Wincanton Sports Ground has recently created a 3-2-1 km run route around its grounds. The 3-2-1km run, which is a Run England project, allows you to track and measure your run, jog or walk when it best suits you.
Showing 21 - 40 of 138 Articles