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WBT Calls All Businesses to the Election Hustings on 22nd April 2010

Saturday 17 April 2010, 23:13
By John Smith

Trfust in members of parliament, and indeed, the whole parliamentary system seems to be at an all time low, if we believe what we read and hear from the media at large. This means that the people of this country have a serious decision to make. What can we do about it? The answer is very simple.

We vote!

As chairman of Wincanton Businesses Together (WBT) I appeal to all in our business community to make sure that you vote in this coming election. But more than that, I appeal to you all to attend the Election Hustings on 22nd April 2010 at The Balsam Centre (See The Diary for details). This is an ideal chance to see the candidates face to face and ask those searching questions to find out who they are and who they really represent. Do you want an MP who represents a national party's interest, or an MP who represents our local community interest? I am sure that all of us can think of at least one question that is important to us. I urge you to compile a list of questions to test and stretch the prospective candidates. I know that on the evening there is a structure, and time limits, so I invite you to send in a list of all your questions to: .

We will make up a master list of all the questions submitted to us and give each candidate a copy, asking them to provide their own written reply. Many of the questions may well be answered on the night, but not all of them. When we have received their written replies we will publish them in the Wincanton Window. WBT will also mail a copy of the replies to everyone in our database. I believe that this will help us to make a more informed decision come voting day.

So many people say they are disillusioned and don't vote any longer because their vote doesn't count. Forgive me for being so blunt, but that is simply a cop-out and shows a complete lack of responsibility. If we don't vote apathy is the only winner, and we all get the government we deserve. Nobody promised us an easy life, never mind an easy democratic system. Elections never result in a government that everyone agrees with. There are winners and losers. We live in a democratic country where we have the freedom to express ourselves through the voting system. If you don't vote in this election, you have no right to gripe about things you don't agree with. You have no right to the respect of the voting population around you.

If our parliamentary system needs to be changed, the only people who can bring that change about are the voters. But that means that we all have to stand up and be counted. We all need to vote and make sure that our small voices are heard. The first step in doing that is to tell prospective candidates what we expect of them if they get elected. The second step is to keep talking to the successful candidate and make sure that they are being line managed by the people that really count.

It's the VOTERS that count

MPs work for the voters

Make sure that your vote is a considered vote. Don't be a blind voter, voting for one party because you've always voted for them. Join us on 22nd April. Ask questions, listen to answers, and be prepared to vote for the candidate who will serve this country and our community best.

Make your vote count.

John Smith
Chairman, WBT.


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