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Opportunity to Get Involved With an Unusual Local Film Project!

Sunday 20 March 2016, 21:28
By John Smith

Ellie and Amy, 11, budding film directors from Wincanton

Ellie Atkins of Templecombe and Amy Calder of Wincanton are working together on a new and ambitious project. They’ve written their own film script and hope to begin filming in the near future. The film is called ‘The Scribble’, and is a mixture of love, adventure and comedy.

Auditions at Ellie’s home have already begun. Although interest in the project is already growing, with friends and family helping out, there may still be a chance to get involved. So, if you are interested, contact Ellie and Amy on 07575 222564 or by email to . Applications can be from both children and adults.

Like any film project it’s not just actors who are needed. They need people to cover make-up, hair, costumes, sets, and don’t forget camera operators . They may not be seen or heard in the film, but without them, it just doesn't happen.

The prospect of having a film shot here in our area is exciting enough, and worthy of print, but what takes this project beyond normal is that Ellie and Amy are 11-year-old school children. Think back. What did you do to interest yourself when you were eleven? Very few of us would have thought about making a film at all. How many eleven-year-olds do you know who set out to make a film of this magnitude? If they can pull this off is it possible they're among the youngest film directors in the UK?

Amy attends Wincanton Primary School, and Ellie attends Horsington Primary School, and they are already getting interest from school friends to take part in the film, and friends of their parents are interested in filling the adult roles.

Where did all this come from? Recently Ellie was given an Apple Mac computer, and one of its programmes helps users to create their own films. Playing around with the software they created several short films, and from these early successes a spark of interest was ignited, which over time, was fanned into a small flame.

This is not the usual sort of kid’s film about doing daft stuff together. The girls enjoy each other’s company and share many jokes together. The idea for the film was born out of those shared times, but they are treating this project very seriously.

The Scribble is a about the girls falling for a pizza delivery boy called Steve. They want to see Steve again and the film tells the story of the search to find him. Their journey takes them on all sorts of adventures making new friends, finding a sacred necklace, meeting a king, and getting kidnapped. Do they escape? Do they find pizza-boy Steve? You’ll have to watch to find out.


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