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A Wincanton Childhood - A Talk by Gill D'Arcy

Tuesday 24 September 2013, 23:54
By John Baxter

Gill D'Arcy aged 17 (left) and in 2013 (right)Gill D'Arcy will be giving an illustrated talk at the next Wincanton and Area Museum and History Society meeting on Friday 27th September 2013 at 7.30pm in the Balsam Centre. Her title will be A Wincanton Childhood.

Few people have been more involved in the life of our town than Gill D'Arcy. Her parents lived here and she was born here, went to school first at the primary school and then at what is now King Arthur's Community School; she met her future husband Richard here, worked, got married, raised a family and has been deeply involved with the Church, the German Exchange and in supporting Richard as a councillor and when he was mayor.

Come along for an evening of reminiscences and think about what has changed and what has remained the same.

Coffee is served at the end of our meeting in the Balsam Centre which is always a great time to socialise and get to know others who live around here.

£5 non-members, members free – so why not join?


Posts: 1
The Fifties and Sixties. Another Country
Reply #1 on : Mon October 07, 2013, 11:48:39
Gill gave us a great evening with a vivid, well planned and excellently illustrated talk which attracted a very good turnout of some 40 people. All of us of the grey-haired variety who remembered the fifties and early sixties when Gill was growing up living in Mill Street were vividly reminded of our own childhoods as we heard her describe the care-free days when she and her friends would wander off to play games and have fun in ways parents knew little or nothing about. In homes where central heating was unknown, let alone fridges, and where TV had yet to arrive, children made up their own games and little things like spending pocket money was a big deal.
Gill described for us a very happy childhood in what was then a small town where everyone knew each other, where gardens were bigger and homes more spacious than many now being built and where children felt safe and were relatively unsupervised. Chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs were everywhere, there was a cattle market and a train station. All adding up to a very different post-war world - yet it was not so long ago.
Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 11:59:33 by johnbaxter  

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