What is the U3A? There’s a Group Near You!
Local U3As are individual charities in their own right and are run entirely by volunteers. Local U3As are learning co-operatives which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups in accordance with the wishes of the membership. The U3A movement is supported by its national organisation, the Third Age Trust.
In the Camelot Group we have 30 activity groups catering for different interests, some activity based, others study or discussion based, including art, bridge, creative writing, digital photography, discussion, flowers and craft, French, German, history, Latin, literature, lunches, mah jong, patchwork and quilting, poetry, rambling, reading, theatre and wine appreciation. Meetings are spread through the week, generally during the day. There is a local newsletter and monthly meetings in Caryford Hall on the last Friday of the month.
Subscriptions are £15 per year, with a reduction for those joining after January. For further information contact (Chair) or (Membership Secretary).
You are welcome to come along and meet us at any monthly meeting and hear our speaker. You will be sure of a warm welcome and a pleasant cup of tea or coffee.
On Friday 29th January 2016 at 2.30pm Bonny Sartin, formerly of The Yetties, will talk on Smuggling in Dorset and Hampshire.
Once organised gangs roamed the countryside, importing brandy, baccy, tea, and wine by the shipload. Skulduggery, bribery and violence, just the thing for a quiet January afternoon!
On Friday 26th February Tim Hare will pose the question, Trident, Yes or No?
Tim was in the Navy for 37 years, for much of that time in the submarine service as Director of Nuclear Policy in the MOD, and is now a Defence Consultant, broadcaster and commentator on UK nuclear policy.
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